I must admit, I kind of agreed with the naysayers who claimed the term “milk” should not be used to describe a beverage that is derived from plants. Nut milks like cashew and almond, oat milk, and soy milk are only a few of the many varieties that have gained popularity of late.
The Spur Senior Citizens Center, located at 210 Burlington Ave., serves a noon meal Monday through Friday. The dining room is open, or if you feel more comfortable during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are offering a curbside lunch you can reserve by calling (806) 271-4472. A donation is always appreciated. The cost for seniors over 60 is $4; everyone else is always welcome, for $8. Low Fat Milk, Tea with Lemon or Water Available with all Meals.
The Texas Comptroller’s Office has set the days of back-to-school tax-free weekend shopping to encourage all taxpayers to support Texas businesses while saving money on tax-free purchases of most clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks (sold for less than $100) during the annual Tax-Free weekend.
The Post Dispatch, the weekly newspaper serving Garza County, Texas, and its county seat of Post, southeast of Lubbock, and the Knox County News-Courier, serving the county seat of Benjamin and other cities including Knox City and Munday, are under new ownership beginning with the first issue of August 2023.