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Georgia Lee Epps Richardson 1934–2020

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
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Georgia Lee Epps Richardson was born in Spur, Texas, on February 19, 1934 to Birdie Burrell Epps and George Duitt Epps. She graduated from Haynes High School in May 1951. She passed away on June 16, 2020.

One year ago today, our lives changed in an instant, as we lost the best friend we ever had. We love and miss you so much, Mama.

Thank you for all the life lessons you taught to prepare us for the tasks we now face. Thank you for stressing the importance of getting a quality education and for sacrificing to make sure that we did. Thank you for insisting we stay together and for teaching us how to pray. Thank you for teaching us to respect ourselves and every other human being, no matter what, treating everyone the way we want to be treated. Thank you for believing in us and for building us up by teaching us that although we are no better than anyone, no one is better than we are. Thank you for insisting that we work and live productive lives. Thank you for loving all of our children, each and every one of them.

Most of all, thank you for ensuring that we know Christ as the head of our lives; and for instilling in us to do right no matter what anyone else does. We are so grateful to God for allowing us to take care of you for as long as we did.

We celebrate you today and know you are safe in the arms of Jesus and our dear father, Fancy “June” Richardson. We love you both and will continue to do our best to honor your legacy while here on this earth. So long, until we meet again.
