Since New Year’s Day, three candidates for Texas House District 68 have barnstormed across Texas Spur Country campaigning for the house seat opened up by Drew Springer’s election to the Texas senate. Early voting began Monday, Jan. 11, for the January 23 special election.
AUSTIN—The 87th session of the Texas Legislature opened Tuesday with Covid-19 encompassing every aspect of what the lawmakers do, according to new House Speaker Dade Phelan.
Back in November, questions arose in Spur’s city council meeting regarding several matters connected to the Spur municipal golf course. At its regularly scheduled December meeting, the council clarified them satsifactorily, with concessionaire Mike Day present to handle questions from the public.
Following the public hearing to discuss the 2019–20 TAPR, Texas Academic Performance Report and 2019–20 Federal Report Card, the Patton Springs Independent School District monthly board meeting was held on January 4, 2021.
In the regular meeting of the Spur Independent School District board on December 21, 2020, trustees voted unanimously to suspend Spur ISD’s remote learning option for students who are not successful with remote learning instruction as deemed by the campus principal.