CHILDRESS—The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is set to begin a $1.6 million highway rehabilitation project in King County, which will also include safety lighting in Briscoe and Dickens Counties. A.L. Helmcamp is the contractor in charge of the project, which is set to begin on June 8.
Spur’s regularly scheduled city council meeting of May 19 devoted 45 minutes’ consideration of a topic that hadn’t been previously brought before it—thus the reason for the extended discussion.
Dickens County Farm Bureau, partnering with Texas Farm Bureau, has distributed funding to three local organizations who may have felt a hard hit due to Covid-19.
Although the Kent County Commissioners dealt with a variety of issues in a regular and emergency session at 2:00 p.m. May 22 (rescheduled due to the Memorial Day holiday)—including Covid-19 testing of all the county nursing home staff and residents, and application for a Texas County Transportation Infrastructure Fund grant— the matter of top interest on citizens’ minds might well have been the plans for reopening the swimming pool for the summer.
Last week, the management team of our two weekly newspapers debated whether we should continue running the Covid-19 cases map that we first introduced to our weekly front page on April 14.
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will begin a phased opening of driver license offices starting May 26, 2020, with limited service offerings, Governor Greg Abbott announced last week. As part of this opening plan, DPS will launch an appointment system that allows customers to book up to six months in advance.
On a Friday night in late May 1977 an 18-year-old senior in Snyder, Texas, walked across a stage at the Scurry County Coliseum, picked up a diploma, and stayed out most of the night with friends eating greasy food at the Rip Griffin Truck Stop.