SPUR VISITOR CENTER at 101 Hill Street at Burlington Avenue is operated by the Spur Area Chamber of Commerce and open during regular hours Tuesday–Saturday. Vistiors seeking information on the area may email spurchamber@gmail.com or call (806) 271-3097.
AUSTIN— The Texas Department of State Health Services has received and distributed 14,780 doses of the monkeypox vaccine to local health departments and DSHS regional offices. Another 27,000 doses could be made available by the Strategic National Stockpile.
This column is a reprint of my first blog, which started in the summer of 2009. The blog’s title (Check Your Mirrors) originated from many of my experiences as a summer driver education instructor. But the parallels were obvious that checking mirrors is a life skill, even when we are not driving down the road.
No matter how big our hearts are when it comes to loving all our babies, the truth is that a parent’s initial birth experience is unparalleled. What happens with the firstborn— particularly from pregnancy to delivery—is its own sacred once-in-a-lifetime moment. My own first child’s 40th birthday on July 29 has been a reminder of just such an impact.
AUSTIN—Texas added 82,500 nonfarm jobs in June, the largest gain this year. The state again set new employment highs, as total nonfarm employment reached. 13.43 million, according to the Texas Workforce Commission.
SPUR VISITOR CENTER at 101 Hill Street at Burlington Avenue is operated by the Spur Area Chamber of Commerce and open during regular hours Tuesday–Saturday. Vistiors seeking information on the area may email spurchamber@gmail.com or call (806) 271-3097.
The Kent County Commission has had its hands full throughout June and July with numerous matters requiring extensive deliberaton, especially regarding construction and maintenance projects.